Tefal TFP4624966 Clipso Minut Easy Pressure Cooker 9 Liter


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With a unique single-hand system for easy and secure opening and closing, the Tefal ClipsoMinut Easy 9L Pressure Cooker is bound to make your cooking not only easier but also faster. No matter what ingredient you want to cook, from veggies to meat, fish, and chicken, you will be able to cook your meals in no time. Simply, plat the ingredient inside your ClipsoMinut Easy Pressure Cooker, clip the lid, reduce steam as needed, and wait! This cooker delivers a 2 times faster results while ensuring your food preserves up to 80% of its vitamin C and nutritional benefits. This 30% lighter pressure cooker comes with a 9L capacity which gives you all the space you need to cook for both a small number of people or prepare meals when you have people coming over for lunch or dinner. The ClipsoMinut Easy Pressure Cooker isn’t only easy to use, it is also 100% safe thanks to the 5-Security System which ensures your safety at all times. With a stainless steel body, this Tefal pressure cooker will be a long-lasting addition to your home. From the very first day you introduce your cooking routine to this cooker, it will become a kitchen essential and your right-hand helper around the kitchen

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Brand Tefal
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انت تقيم:Tefal TFP4624966 Clipso Minut Easy Pressure Cooker 9 Liter
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